TracingPlane - Automatic Tracing Instrumentation
Instrumentation can often be done automatically if source code matches some common patterns. For example, copying baggage to a new thread as outlined above is an obvious pattern to capture. Patterns like this can be captured automatically using source-code rewriting tools like AspectJ. This project provides some AspectJ aspects to automatically propagate Baggage across thread and runnable boundaries. Modified classes are listed below.
Getting Started
To use the automatic instrumentation aspects, you must use AspectJ's compiler to weave these aspects into your system's source code. This will modify all the places in your system's source code that matches the patterns, and will add our code in those places. You can add the following to your project's pom.xml to invoke AspectJ when you build:
In addition to the automatic instrumentation aspects, other projects also supply aspects that can be automatically added to your system, including X-Trace, Retro, and Pivot Tracing. See the example pom.xml for the full list of dependencies and aspect libraries.
Automatically modified classes
Runnable Adds a baggage
field to all Runnables. When the runnable is created, the current thread's baggage is forked and saved in the baggage field. When run()
is called, the runnable's baggage is swapped with the active baggage. When run ends, the runnable's baggage is swapped back to the baggage field, and the previously-active baggage is put back.
Callable Adds a callable
field to all Callables. When the callable is created, the current thread's baggage is forked and saved in the baggage field. When call()
is called, the callable's baggage is swapped with the active baggage. When call ends, the callable's baggage is swapped back to the baggage field, and the previously-active baggage is put back.
Thread Adds a 'baggage' field to all Thread instances. When the thread is created, the current thread's baggage is forked and saved in the baggage field. When run()
is called, the thread's baggage is started as the active baggage. When run ends, the thread's active baggage is saved back into the baggage field. After any other thread calls join()
on the thread, it will also join the final baggage of the thread.
ExecutorService Wraps returned futures so that when Future.get()
is called, it also joins the final baggage of the Runnable or Callable that was submitted to the ExecutorService.
CompletionService Wraps returned futures so that when Future.get()
is called, it also joins the final baggage of the Runnable or Callable that was submitted to the CompletionService.
BlockingQueue When elements are added to the queue via add
, offer
, or put
, the enqueueing thread's baggage will be forked. When the element is dequeued via take
, the dequeueing thread will join the element's baggage. Unlike the other automatically modified classes, BlockingQueue
is not instrumented by default -- it must be enabled by using the @InstrumentQueues
and @InstrumentedQueueElement
annotations as outlined below.
Classes modified with annotations
@BaggageInheritanceDisabled All Runnables, Callables, and Threads are instrumented by default. This might not be desirable for some instances. Adding the @BaggageInheritanceDisabled
annotation to select classes will prevent this behavior for those classes.
@InstrumentedQueueElement Any class can be given the @InstrumentedQueueElement
annotation. This will add a 'baggage' field to the class.
@InstrumentQueues Any class can be given the @InstrumentQueues
annotation. This will enable instances of BlockingQueue
within the class to be instrumented with queue instrumentation. Queues are not automatically instrumented unless they exist in a class that has this annotation.